Kenji Kojima / 小島健治
Show: Biography (English & 日本語) & Artist Statement

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Kenji Kojima's Biography
      Since the early '90s, I have been conducting experiments exploring the connections between perception, cognition, technology, music, and visual art. I was born in Japan and relocated to New York in 1980. During my first decade in the city, I dedicated myself to painting using medieval art materials and techniques, specifically egg tempera. Notably, my paintings were acquired by Citibank, Hess Oil, and other collectors. The '80s witnessed rapid advancements in personal computers, and I found myself increasingly drawn to the realm of computer art, which offered a greater sense of comfort. Thus, in the early '90s, I made the transition from traditional artworks to digital creations. The New Museum - Rhizome in New York archives my early digital works. In 2007, I developed the computer software "RGB MusicLab" and embarked on an interdisciplinary exploration of the interplay between images and music. As part of the "Techno Synesthesia" project in 2014, I programmed the software "Luce." My digital art series, "Techno Synesthesia," has been showcased in exhibitions across New York, as well as in media art festivals worldwide, spanning Europe, Brazil, Asia (excluding Japan), and online exhibitions hosted by ACM SIGGRAPH and FILE, among others. In 2015, my anti-nuclear artwork titled "Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011" was added to the CTF Collective Trauma Film Collections / ArtvideoKoeln. I am a skilled LiveCode programmer. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, I initiated the project "From Classical Paintings to Music," delving into internet-based research for source materials. Presently, my latest endeavor revolves around digital drawing, specifically the creation of "PORTRAIT ICONS." Kenji Kojima Resume

小島健治 略歴
      日本生まれ。コンピューターを使用した、知覚・認識・時間の関連を探求するアートをニューヨーク市で続けています。ニューヨークに住み始めた1980年からほぼ10年間は、ビザンチンから初期ルネッサンスの技法エッグ・テンペラで現代絵画を描き、シティバンク、ヘス石油等のコレクションになりました。その頃コンピュータは急速な発展を遂げ、90年代始めからデジタルにアートの可能性をより感じてスイッチしました。20世紀の主なデジタル作品は、ニューヨーク市ニューミュージアム(Rhizome)にアーカイブとして保存されました。2007年コンピュータ・アプリケーション「RGB MusicLab」を開発。RGBミュージックは、画像のカラーデータをアルゴリズムで音楽に変換するプロジェクトです。これはコンピュータ・データに基づいて、視覚と聴覚の境界を探求するアートです。2014年にプロジェクト・タイトルを「Techno Synesthesia(テクノ共感覚)」と改め、ビデオの時間軸からの音楽変換を始めました。プロジェクトはニューヨーク市の個展、世界各地のメディア・フェスティバル(ヨーロッパ・ブラジル・中東・日本以外のアジア)、オンライン・エキジビション等で展示されました。福島原発事故の報道写真を音楽に変換して、時間軸に編集した「コンポジション福島2011(日本未公開)」は、世界各地のメディア・フェス等で公開され、アートビデオ・ケルンのトラウマフィルム・コレクションに保存されています。ビデオ撮影ができなくなったコロナ以降素材をネット上に求めてプロジェクト「古典絵画から音楽」開始。 使用するプログラミング言語は LiveCode

Artist Statement
      I have been thinking the sense of visual and audio has strong connections. Some people believe the painter Wassily Kandinsky was a synesthesia artist. But I have a suspicion whether he had synesthesia abilities or not. Artistic intuition is important, but the ability of synesthesia is too uncertain. Despite that, I thought the sense of vision and the sense of hearing might have common areas. A composer Alexander Scriabin tried another way. He composed the symphony "Prometheus: Poem of Fire" in 1910. He imagined a symphony of sound combined with a symphony of light. He made his system which was the 12-color circle. The top of the color circle was Red and C. Each color was assigned to 12 keys. The idea was based on Isaac Newton's color wheel. He wrote the light (luce) part of the score by musical notations in the symphony. However, his vision did not realize the technological limits of his own time. 100 years later, the performance of his work was realized by recent technologies. Composer Scriabin explored the common information of visual and auditory with the art of different expressions.
      I was more interested in Scriabin's method than in using intuition for synesthesia art. We can use computer technology in the 21st century. I developed an algorithmic composition program "RGB MusicLab" in 2007 that converted computer color data to 12-tone notes. The color value 120 is the middle C on a musical scale. Also, I found binary is a new art material. The current project "Techno Synesthesia" is based on RGB Music technology.
      A cyborg is a radical evolution of physical extension that uses science and technology in the 21st century. We have evolved extremely slowly to recognize the surrounding environment through sensory organs such as visual, auditory, tactile, and others, and realize them as reality. However, we do not know how we perceive our environment, the boundaries of sensory information, and how we handle them and choose our actions. What was the difference between humans and deep-sea creatures that have evolved to distinguish information from the outside world? The project "Techno Synesthesia" inherits the predecessors and experiments with the fusion and compatibility of multiple sensory organs by computer technology.
Hide: Kenji Kojima's Biography & Artist Statement

"Stop, Caution, Walk" by Kenji Kojima
Egg Tempera, Gold Leaf on Panel. 10x10" Triptych, 1980
Kenji's Egg Tempera Paintings 1980-2004
I started my artist career in 1980 as a contemporary egg tempera artist.
A personal computer was improved rapidly during the '80s.
I felt digital art was more comfortable and clean.
I switched my artwork to digital in the early '90s.
Now I am interested in how we perceive the outside world
more than constructing physical art.


Bee Bances / Buzzin' Bees, 2024
Climate Messages from Rap and Aria

Copy It, Share It. 2024
Micky Mouse "Steamboat Willie" in the Public Domain Now!

Attribution 4.0 International
under Creative Commons License.

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日本からのドネーションは こちらをクリック



Anthropocene, Spaceship Earth, Bee

Begins with Chaos - Lascaux

Six Musical Compositions Created from
the Color Elements of Edgar Degas' Pastel Works. 2023

"Bitwise Splitting and Merging Pixels"

"The Musical Interpretation of Movies & Photographs by Binary"

"The Interpretation of Painting by Binary"

Project 2023
kenjikojimany/Icon Drawings

Project Site
One Dollar Bill Delusions
Morphing 57 Portrait Icons

Exhibitions & Media Art Festivals in 2023

July 22 - September 9, 2023, Torrance Art Museum, Los Angeles
Vacations in the Subconscious

Participate Project in the Exhibition
One Dollar Bill Delusions

Toulouse, France on March 15 - April 2, 2023
XXVIe Rencontres Internationales Traverse

Participate Project in the Exhibition
What Madame Cézanne was thinking.

2023 Exhibition Catalog

April 20 - September 28, 2023, BROWARD College, Weston, Florida
South Campus Art Gallery

Participate Project in the Exhibition
Instagram Exhibition View

The Effect of Cataracts on Late Years Claude Monet.

July 4 - August 28, 2023, São Paulo, ,Brazil
FILE "Electronic Language International Festival" 2023

Participate Project in the Exhibition
The Effect of Cataracts on Late Years Claude Monet.
& What Madame Cézanne was thinking.

Participated in Group Show in 2023
446 West 34th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY
Exhibition: February 9 to March 15, 2023


The Musical Interpretation of Classic Paintings by Binary

2015 - 2021

Techno Synesthesia:
Bees, Birds, Speech, Lumière and Other Series

2014 - 2018

Four Seasons Studies, Space-Time Drawing

Archway, Fountain in New York City

Subway, Street, Others and Studies

Media Performance Noh [I-MY]

Anti-Nuclear Artwork
Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011

Created music from press photos on internet

RGB Music 2007 - 2019
The application develpoment
which converted image data to musical notes

Cipher 2013, 2014, 2016
Cipher Music / Split & Merge AudioVisual

CipherText Project / 暗号計画
Encrypt Image / 暗号画像
Web Applications English & Japanese


The Sun goes around on Spaceship Earth.
JIKANKEI is a software art. It displays angles of the Sun
and local times of cities and places on the Earth.

2014 -
News / Exhibitions in Cyber and Real World

LiveCode 6 Programming Tutorilal (Japanese)
LiveCode 6 プログラミング初心者開発入門 (日本語)

1つのソース・コードから Mac, Win, Linux アプリを同時に作成する

about Techno Synesthesia in Japanese by the artist Kenji Kojima.


Please Support Kenji Kojima's Artworks
日本からのドネーションは こちらで
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(Public 1280x720) under Creative Commons License
オンライン版ビデオ(Public 1280x720)は
